In the name of God the Beneficent the Merciful



Now we will talk about Quran, a great miracle , Those who do not believe  in Holy Quran they say that it is not from God but it is human made. Even during the time of Holy Prophet the Mushrekeen-e-Macca used to say like this that it is made by Mohammad with the help of some people. anyhow now we see that what the Holy Quran says about such people.


Chapter - 74. Verse 18 - 25.  " He reflected and decided * What a miserable decision * Indeed, What a miserable decision * He looked ( at Quran ) Then he frowned and rejected   (the Quran ) * Then he turned away in arrogance* He said ,' This is enchanting magic' This is human - made  "

  Those who blamed that Quran is human-made will be proved wrong by the

NUMBER 19  ......................................         How ?  


All those who say that Quran is human made for them is   19.


  Please keep in mind the number 19, we will talk a lot about it.


    In reply to the above blame the Holy Quran says,  

   Chapter - 74, Verses  26 - 30,   "  I will commit him to retribution * and what retribution* Thorough and complete* Obvious to all the people * On it are NINETEEN "

    Now  we talk some thing about number 19 , the great miracle of Quran ,  But Why  19 ?

  In Arabic,  WAHED,  means ONE it is the name of God. If we take  the alphabetical value of the letter as was indicated in our  article Alfaz Boltey Hain,  we will see that word  WAHED has the following Arabic letters .


WA     ,    ALEPH    ,      HA    ,    DAL ,

Their  numerical  values are            WA                       6

                                                                  ALEPH          =       1

                                                                  HA             =            8

                                                                  DAL           =           4

                                                TOTAL     =          19 ( NINETEEN )

The  word WAHED (19)  means  that God is ONE and this is the main message of Quran . So the NINETEEN is the great miracle which will prove that Quran is not  Human-made.


   1.       The opening statement of Holy Quran in Arabic  ( Bismellah al-Rahman al- Raheem ) consists of ( 19 ) letters.


Ba , Seen , Meem ,  Aleph ,  Lam ,  Lam ,  Ha ,  Aleph ,  Lam ,  Ra ,  Ha ,  Meem ,  Noon ,  Aleph ,  Lam ,  Ra ,  Ha ,  Ya ,  Meem ,    =    19

   2.        The total number of chapter in Holy Quran are 114 which is the multiple of 19

( 19x6 )   =  114

3.       The last chapter of holy Quran has its number = 114  and this chapter has total  verses = 6,  now if the number of verses of this chapter i.e. 6,  is divided on the number of chapter i.e. 114 it comes out with  number   19.


4.                 The first Quranic revelation  that is as follow :-


   "   Iqra , Bism   Rabbika   Alladhee   Kalaq , Khalaqa   Al-Insaana   Min   Alaq,   Iqra ,    WaRabbuka    Al-Akram    Alladhee ,    Allama    Bil Qalam,   Allama    Al-Insaana  Maalam    Ya  Lam.      "


 The First Quranic verse ( as above ) consists of     19  Letters.

5.       If the letters of this above first Quranic verse ( In Arabic ) are counted they come to 76 and 76 is the multiple of  19.   

(  76 =  19 x 4 ).

 6.                 The first Quranic Chapter which was reveled is  IQRA,  its number in order is 96, if you open this chapter and count its total verses they are  19.



  7.       As mentioned  before that opening statement of holy Quran in Arabic          (Bismellah al-Rahman al- Raheem ) consists of ( 19 ) letters.


Now we see that every word of this opening statement is repeated in holy Quran either 19 times  of by the multiple of 19.


The First word is  Ism , it is mentioned in holy Quran for 19, times. Table is as below :-




Chapter No.

Verse No. where the word Ism is mentioned.



























































       The second word in the opening statement is  " Allah "  and Allah is mentioned for 2698 times in the Holy Quran. Which is the mutiple of  19.                  (  2698 = 142 x 19  )

The table of Allah is available but it is too long so I we are not giving here.


      The third word is  "Al-Rahman"  this word is mention for 57 times  in Holy Quran which is the mutiple of 19,  (  57 = 2 x 19 )


The fourth word is " Al - Raheem "  and this is mentioned for 114 times  which is the mutiple of 19 ,  ( 114 = 6 x 19 ).


Now summarizing the above fact we see that :-


     1st. word is mention for 19 times :                                 19 x 1

2nd. Word is mentioned for 2698 times :                     19 x 142

3rd. word is mentioned for 57 times  ;                          19 x 3

4th. Word is mentioned for 114 times :                         19 x 6


 sum of multiplication is  =  1+142+3+6   =   152  which is again multiple  of 19 (19x8) = 152.


8.       In the opening statement the four words that is ; Ism , Allah, Al-Rahman and Al-Raheem  by virtue of their repeat ion  correspond  to the four names of the God.



9.     The Ism repeated for 19 times correspond to the name of Gad  " Wahed " whose numerical value is 19 ( as mentioned  before )



10.     Second word  Allah, repeated for 2698 times  which corresponds to the name of God as below :-


"  Zulfazllelazeem " its numerical value is 2698.  see below:-


       The Arabic letter for Zulfazllelazeem  with their numerical value are :-


Zal = 700 +  Wa = 6 +, Aleph = 1 +, Lam = 30 +, Fa = 80 +, Zad = 800 +, Lam =30 +,

Aleph =1+, Lam = 30 +, Ain = 70 +, Za = 900 +, Ya = 10 +, Mem = 40   =  2,698.  


11.     The third word  " Al-Rahman  " is repeated for 57 times   which corresponds to the name of God  " Majeed  " whose numerical  value is 57. as see below :-


Meem = 40 +, Jeem = 3 +,  Ya = 10 +. Dal  = 4    =     57


 12 .   The fourth word  " Al-Raheem " is repeated for 114 times  which corresponds to the name of God  "  Jame'a  " whose numerical value is 114 as see below :-


Jeem = 3 +, Aleph = 1+, Meem = 40 +. Aa'en = 70     =    114



Result ;  Out of 99 known names of the God the only these four names mentioned above are the multiple of 19. and correspond to the names of God mentioned in the opening statement of Holy Quran.


  The last point regarding the opening statement is :-


 The  opening statement is missing in one of the chapter of holy Quran but it is mentioned twice in the other chapter of the Holy Quran. The Chapter where it is missing is No. 9. and the chapter where it is repeated twice  is 27 the chapter from 9 to 27( in between )  there are again 19 chapters.  

13.    The chapter 50  whose name is ' Qaf ' in the same chapter the letter Qaf is repeated for 57 time which is the multiple of  19 .


14.   The Chapter 68 is initiated with letter ' Noon ' and the letter ' noon ' is repeated in the same chapter for 133 time which is the multiple of  19,                      ( 133 = 19 x7 )


15.    The seven chapters in the Holy Quran from Chapter No. 40 to 46 initial with letter ,

" HA, Meem  " and these both letters are repeated in these seven chapters for 2147 time which is again the multiple of  19  ( 2147 = 113X19 ).


16.  The three initial ' Aa'en, seen, Qaf ' are repeated in chapter 42 for 209 time which is again the multiple of 19.  ( 209 = 11x19 )


17    The chapter named " Muriyam " is initiated with initials " Kaf, Ha, Ya, Aa'en, & Sad "  these initials are repeated in this chapter for 798 time  ( Kaf = 137 , Ha = 175, Ya = 343, Aa'en=117 and Sad = 26 time all equal to 798),    which is the multiple of 19 (798=19x142)  


18    The Chapter Al-Baqarah is initiated with initial " aleph, Lam , Meem " and the occurrence of these letters in this chapter is 9899 time ( aleph = 4502,               Lam = 3202, Meem= 2195 times which totally equals to 9899 ) which is the multiple of  19. ( 9899 = 521 x 19 )      


19.  The chapter No. 20 named ' Ankaboot " also initiates with initials : Aleph, Lam, Meem and the occurrence of these initials in this chapter is 1672 time           ( Aleph = 774, Lam = 554, and Meem = 344 time which totally equals to 1672 times  which is the multiple of 19    (1672=88x19 ) 


20.  In chapter 30 named 'Rome " is also initiated with letter ' Aleph, Lam, Meem ' and the occurrence of these letters in this chapter are 1254 time which is the multiple of  19    (1245=

 ( Aleph = 544, Lam = 393,  Meem = 317          =     1254 )


21.   The Chapter 31 " Luqmaan "    is also initiated with letters ' Aleph, Lam Meem "and the occurrence of these letter in this chapter is 817 which is the multiple of 19 , (817=43x19)

 (  Aleph = 347 ,  Lam =  297,  Meem = 173  total are 817 )


  22.   The chapter 32 Sajdah , Initiated with " Aleph . Lam Meem " and the occurrence of these letters in this chapter is 570 time which is the multiple of 19 , (570=30x19)

  (  Aleph = 257, Lam = 155 Meem = 158 total is 570 )


23  The chapter No 10 ' Younes "  initiates with letters " Aleph. Lam Ra " and the occurence of these letter in this chapter is 2489 which is the multiple of  19,          ( 2489=131x19)

( Aleph = 1319, Lam = 913, Meem = 257  totals to 2489 )


24.  The Chapter No 11, Hood, is initiated with letter " Aleph, Lam, Ra " the total occurrence is 2489 time which is the multiple of 19 ( 2489 = 131x19 ) .

( Aleph = 1319, Lam = 913, Ra = 257 totals to 2489 )


25.   The chapter 26 ' Yousef " initiates with letter " Aleph, Lam, Ra " and the occurrence of these letters in this chapter is 2375 which is the multiple of 19   (2357 = 125x19 )

 ( Aleph= 1306, Lam = 812 Ra= 257 total  is 2357 )


26.  The chapter 14 ' Ibraheem " initiates with letters " Aleph, Lam, Ra " and the occurrence of these letters in this chapter is 1197 time which is the multiple of  19.  ( 1197=63x19 )           ( Aleph= 585,Lam=452,Ra=160 total is 1197 )


27.  Chapter N0 28, Al Hijr initiates with letter " Aleph, Lam, Ra ) and the occurrence of these letters is 912 which is the multiple of  19, ( 912= 48 x 19 )

( Aleph = 493, Lam = 323 and Ra= 96 total is 912 )


28.   The Chapter No. 7 Al-A'raf,  initiates with letters ( Aleph, Lam, Meem, Sad ) the occurrence of these letters in this chapter is 5320 times which is the multiple of 19,   (5320=280x19) ,      ( Aleph= 2529, Lam=1530, Meem= 1164 Sad= 97 totals to 5320 )


26.  Total Alphabet taking part in the making of Quranic Initials   =    14

         Total sets of Quranic Initials are                                                    =    14

          Total chapters prefix with initials are                                          =     29 

           These numbers sum up to                                                           =    57

                                        57, which is the multiple of   19 .         

  All those who say that Quran is human made for them is   19.


                                   19, is the great miracle of Holy    Quran. 


 Here we end our article , and pray that God may guide us to the teachings of Holy Quran.

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